Alamance County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor

Andrew Carroll
Andrew Carroll has been a teacher and soccer coach in Alamance county for 18 years. A high school earth and environmental science teacher at Southern Alamance High School, Carroll said running as the Soil and Water Supervisor felt like an area he has expertise in.
Carroll said growing up in lakes sparked his interest in making sure Alamance locals have access to clean water.
“I want my kids to be able to go fishing, swim and have the same opportunity that I had,” Carroll said.
Carroll said he wants to get more involved in the community. Using his teaching experience, he is looking forward to educating the local community or providing support for what they need.
One of the initiatives that he hopes to implement if elected is minimizing the amount of invasive species within Alamance County, whether that is helping a farmer or someone’s yard, Carroll said.
“We got a lot of farmland that is changing,” Carroll said. “We are losing biodiversity. We are losing a lot of native land.”
David Spruill
David Spruill said his mission as a soil and water supervisor candidate is to help the farmers. From fashion designer to former Soil and Water Supervisor for eight years, Spruill wants to make sure farmers get what they need.
“I know what to do and how to do it,” Spruill said. “Now I want to go back in there and do it like it’s supposed to be done.”
Spurill has been active in the local Alamance community, serving on the Social Services Committee, former president of Martin Luther King Coalition of Alamance County and more. He has previously run for Alamance County Commissioner in 2012 and North Carolina House of Representatives in 2021.
Besides working with farmers, Spurill has plans to work with kids and educate them on agriculture. He wants to take them to farms and teach them about soil, chickens and bees.
Spruill said he encourages students at Elon to vote for the soil and water conservation position because he believes the youth are the future.